Midwifery Work Experience & Career Day
Deciding to embark upon a career in midwifery is a lot more complicated than it used to be even only a few years ago. Our midwifery career and work experience day aims to give you all of the information you need in order to make a successful application to university and to give a great insight into the working life of a midwife.
Midwifery Applications - The Morning
Midwifery degrees have experienced a boom in applications over the last few years and when first looking into the profession, students can be taken aback by just how competitive it can be.
In our morning session we concentrate on how to apply for midwifery to give you the best possible chance of successfully gaining a place at university to study it.
We’ll start by giving you the lowdown on all of the universities in the UK that offer the course. We’ll delve into the pro’s and con’s of each one and the learning structure each university uses so you can find the university that fits your learning style the best.
Next up, we’ll discuss the personal statement for midwifery. Your personal statement for midwifery only has 47 lines to impress, that’s about 1 side of A4 paper, so not a lot of room to convince the admissions team that you deserve a place.
Our Midwife will guide you through the personal statement, showing you exactly what you should concentrate on and what to avoid.
Your final hurdle to achieving that place at university to study midwifery is the dreaded interview. We’ll go through and practice some of the common questions and challenges you will face during the interview. Midwifery interviews often have a group working element to them where the panel will be looking for students that work well within a team. The challenge is to be seen but not dominate proceedings and not remain silent either! We’ll show you how to strike the right balance so the whole process isn’t a shock on the day.
Finally in our morning session, we’ll discuss midwifery work experience. Midwifery work experience is possibly the hardest of all work experience to obtain. The very nature of being a midwife means you are privy to perhaps the most sensitive and intimate part of another person’s life, so gaining some work experience in this field is so, so difficult. We’ll discuss this together in the morning session and dispense some practical advice to students on how to go about gaining more experience to help with their applications.
After a break for lunch, the afternoon session of our day is spent gaining some midwifery work experience.
Midwifery Work Experience - The Afternoon
In the afternoon we delve into some midwifery work experience. Practical clinical skills will be the focus, where midwives will guide you through their day-to-day job, letting you glimpse behind the curtain of midwifery.
You will experience common and not so common fetal anomalies, review scan reports and see first hand exactly what your future midwifery career will have in store for you.
After today your understanding of a midwifery career will be far greater. Team working, decision making and confidence will increase and it’s a fantastic way to learn about the profession.
Students will be awarded a certificate of attendance for the days training for use in your applications for midwifery.
Upcoming Midwifery Work Experience and Careers Days
Saturday, April 5th 2025 - Online
What are the Timings?
All courses begin at 11am and finish at 4pm BST & are available to watch for 60 days after if you can’t make it on the day.
Who can attend?
Students of any age from all countries with an interest in midwifery can attend,
What are the costs?
All courses are £69 for the full day.
Will I get a certificate for this course?
Yes, a personalised certificate will be sent to you within 2 weeks of completing this course.