Safeguarding Policy for Online Learning
In order to ensure we maintain high standards of safeguarding, Career Days Ltd would like to make you aware of the following to enable a safe remote learning environment:
Safety During Lessons
For students under the age of 18, It is recommended that ALL online courses be done in a communal area in the home where parents are in the vicinity to overhear or see the course being taken.
Students are not required to have access to a webcam/video facilities and will not be required to have use of their microphones.
Students will not be asked to engage their video or microphone facilities at any point.
The chat function during the course will be accessible to students to facilitate group learning but only if a staff member can monitor the chat.
Student conduct during lessons will be monitored at all times where the chat function is enabled. Bullying / inappropriate comments / discrimination etc will not be allowed and will be reported through to safeguarding staff should we become aware of such incidents. For safeguarding and security reasons Zoom to be used for remote teaching. Therefore, please note that no other forms of video access for online teaching (such as Skype / FaceTime etc) are permitted.
Screen shots / photos of lessons are not allowed from students (i.e still pics being taken during a live feed). Recording of live elements of a course are always in place, this is to allow students access to view the recordings for 30 days after the course ends and also to enable staff to review any issues that may be brought to our attention.
Student and/or parental personal information or photos / videos must not be shared online as per our Data Protection Policies.
How to report a safeguarding concern
If you feel worried about a student attending one of our courses and/or would like some support or advice, or to report mental health concerns / online abuse / domestic violence / discrimination / online bullying / radicalisation please speak to Career Days by emailing This address is monitored constantly during a live broadcast.
Safeguarding concerns regarding staff members
If you have any safeguarding concerns about the conduct of a staff member, please report this immediately to Career days - This email address is not monitored by any of our speakers or teachers and any information provided will be received in the strictest confidence.
Last updated: February 16th 2021